On behalf of Saul High School's Alumni Association and Home and School Association we extend our deep felt sadness to report that Nicolas Elizalde, a 14-year old Saul High School student was killed in the tragic ambush at Roxborough High School this past Tuesday. A private vigil was held today at Saul High School for Nick's family, friends, Saul students and staff. Additionally, a community vigil was held last evening at Gorgas Park in Roxborough.
The W.B. High School's Home and School Association is collecting money for the Elizalde family. Contributions can be made through Venmo: @WBSaulHSA (send friends & family) and CashApp: $WBSAULHSA. Checks can also be made out to WB Saul High School Home and School Association and mailed to 7100 Henry Ave Philadelphia, PA 19128. Please place in comment section for Elizalde family.
Barbara Strain
